Judy Solomon - Coach, Parterapeut, Familieterapeut/-rådgiver

Judy Solomon

Coach, Parterapeut, Familieterapeut/-rådgiver

9 klientudtalelser


My goal is to transform the lives of as many people as possible by helping them get in total alignment with everything they want. Judy Solomon - Coach, Parterapeut, Familieterapeut/-rådgiver


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Do you have any goals and dreams you've been wanting to achieve for a while, but aren't there yet?

Do you feel that you are unworthy or "not good enough"?

Does fear of failure cause you to hide out and not share your talents with others?

If so, you are not alone, it's possible that something might be holding you back or slowing you down and I would love to help you get everything you need to create your ideal lifestyle and become the best possible version of yourself -- the "real you", that's hiding just below the surface.

As a Coach, Therapist and Healer my goal is to transform the lives of as many people as possible by helping them get in total alignment with everything they want.

I offer sessions in Danish, Swedish, English and Tigrinya. The first session is FREE, Why? Because I want to give you a chance get to know me and to see if we are a good match and if I can help you.

There is a description of all my services and I will do my best to help you clarify and resolve whatever obstacles that has being blocking you from attracting great relationship, health, money, satisfying career and happiness until now.

I am very happy that you are here and you are more than welcome to send me an email to book your Free session.

I am looking forward to work with you and to support you create the lifestyle of your dream

OK, let's get started

Eliminate Trauma Now (Soul Voice® Sound therapy session)

Through therapeutic sound work, I help people who are feeling stressed, frustrated and miserable in their life. What I do is help them to shift and release all kinds of tension and stress, old programing and pattern that doesn't serve them anymore and as a result of our time together, they gain clarity and confidence to create new possibilities and excitement in their private & professional life, so that they are so excited to get up every morning, go to work and do what they love. 


Earn More Now Coaching Session

I help people who want to make big changes in their life and to attract money doing what they love. I help them to eliminate the pain and struggle they have with money - and finally feel free, expansive and secure enough to be a Money magnet.


Double Your Date Coaching Session (for single men)

I help single men that are having trouble with dating to discover what really attracts great women & overcome their insecurities so that they can get all of the dates they want with the kinds of women they want.


Raise Successful Kids Coaching Session (for parents)

I help parents that are 'at their wits end' because their children are talking back, doing drugs, or hitting people and teach them what to say and do with their kids to turn their children into well behaved people headed for successful lives.


Relationship Rescue Coaching Session (for couples)              

I work with couples on the verge of a breakup to resolve their relationship issues once and for all so that they can revive the love, passion, respect, and fun that's been missing from their relationship.


Find Your Soulmate Coaching Session (for single women)

I help single women that are having trouble finding and keeping a great man to become the kind of woman that is open to love and easily attract the man of their dreams.


Growth Biz Fast Coaching Session (for entrepreneurs)

I help business owners who are spending too much time at work to clarify & prioritize their focus so that they can make more money and work a lot less.


I work with clients 6 months at a time and I meet with clients on average about 3 times a month, for 30-60 minutes.

The investment to work with me, you can either pay monthly or you can pay for the whole 6 months up front in full. If you want to pay monthly, the investment to work with me is 2997 kr a month. Or you can full-pay 6 months and it is only 16.997 kr in total. You will save 985 kr.

Rapid Business Growth Coaching Session is 4497 kr a month. Or you can full-pay for a year, and it is only 49.997 total for the year. You will save 3.967 kr.


Eliminate Trauma Now (Soul Voice® Sound therapy session)

Ved hjælp af terapeutisk lydarbejde, hjælper jeg folk, der føler sig stressede, frustrerede og ulykkelige i deres liv. Hvad jeg gør, er at hjælpe dem med at skifte og frigive forskellige former for spænding og stress, gamle programmeringer og mønstre, der ikke tjener dem mere. Som resultat af vores tid sammen får de klarhed og tillid til at skabe nye muligheder og spænding i deres private og professionelle liv, så de er glade for at stå op hver morgen, gå på arbejde og gøre, hvad de elsker.


Earn More Now Coaching Session

Jeg hjælper mennesker, der ønsker at lave store forandringer i deres liv og til at tiltrække penge, ud fra det de elsker at gøre. Jeg hjælper dem med at fjerne den smerte og kamp de har med penge – til endelig at føle sig fri, ekspansiv og sikker nok til at være en pengemagnet.


Double Your Date Coaching Session (for single mænd) 

Jeg hjælper single mænd, der har problemer med at date, så de kan opdager, hvad der virkelig tiltrækker skønne kvinder og så de overvinder deres usikkerhed og kan få alle de dates, de ønsker med de slags kvinder, de ønsker.


Raise Successful Kids Coaching Session (for forældre)

Jeg hjælper forældre, der er så bekymret og ikke ved hvad de skal gøre, fordi deres børn taler grimt tilbage til dem, tager stoffer eller slår folk. Jeg lærer dem, hvad de skal sige og gør med deres børn for at gøre deres børn til velopdragne mennesker på vej til succesrige liv.


Relation Rescue Coaching Session (for par)

Jeg arbejder sammen med par, der er på grænsen til et breakup for at løse deres forholdsproblemer en gang for alle, så de kan genoplive kærlighed, lidenskab, respekt og den sjov, der mangler i deres forhold.


Find Your Soulmate Coaching Session (for single women)

Jeg hjælper enlige kvinder, der har problemer med at finde en skøn mand og til at blive den slags kvinde, der er åben for kærlighed og let tiltrækker drømmemanden.


 Growth Biz Fast Coaching Session (for iværksættere)

Jeg hjælper virksomhedsejere, der bruger for meget tid på arbejde for at præcisere og prioritere deres fokus, så de kan tjene flere penge og arbejde meget mindre.


Jeg arbejder hovedsageligt med kunder 6 måneder ad gangen, og vi mødes i gennemsnit ca. 3 gange om måneden i 30-60 minutter.

Din investering for at arbejde sammen med mig er enten betaling månedligt eller du kan betale for hele 6 måneder på forhånd. Hvis du vil betale månedligt, koster det at arbejde sammen med mig 2997 kr om måneden. Eller du kan betale for de 6 måneder kun 16997 kr. i alt. Du sparer 985 kr.

 Growth Biz Fast Coaching Session er 4497 kr om måneden. Eller du kan betale 49.997 i alt for et helt år. Du sparer 3.967 kr.


Ilona Marquard -Kundalini – Yoga Teacher  - "Before working with Judy, I was in many ways doing well in life – my life was pretty settled. Yet, I was overworked and stressed out, suffering from a recurring anxiety in my chest and a low immune system. I was haunted by a feeling of not being free in life, which had followed me for years making me constantly seek more meaning and freedom in life...I was lacking a connection with my true path in life and, maybe more than anything, the courage to act on my intuition based on the trust that I would make it if I would only follow my heart. Working with Judy, helped me to let go of old habits that did not serve me, slowly peeled off layers of deep psychological blockages, release my fear and finally found the courage to act on the things in my life that were not working. It has also helped me to find my own strength and create visions for leading a more complete life, aligned with my heart, creativity, spirit and personal path. My inner limiting structures got transformed and so did my relationships. I am balanced and fulfilled, free of stress and living a joyful life as a yoga teacher. "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Kate Sønderberg - "“I started to see Judy, when I got diagnosed with cancer and just after I got my right breast removed. It was very shocking and challenging period for me, at the same time I knew I had to figure out how to recover and how to move on forward with my life. I went through chemo treatments every 3 weeks, I started to loose my hair after 6 chemo treatments and my body was very weak. The hospital offered me psychological support, but I want to go the Alternative way and signed up for sound healing treatments with Judy instead. I decided to have sound healing session before each chemo treatments because it helped me to find my strength, confidence, I felt safe and calm every time I met up at the hospital to do the chemo. One day after I got my blood tested, the Doctors were gathered to talk about the tests and they told me that there is huge progress in my results every time I do the test comparing to other patients who were at the same level/ stage, then one of the head doctors asked me what my secret was and I told him about the sound healing sessions with Judy. The sessions were very effective, few months later my body started to slowly recover, my hair grew back, huge progress in my daily walk routine from 15 minutes a day to 60 minutes a day. I started to feel physically and mentally strong. Today I am completely cured, I have gone through reconstruction of my breast and I have become a whole woman again. Working with Judy has been the perfect choice for me, the sound healing sessions helped me to face problems and deal with them, find my inner strength, shift my character and to be able to decide what I want for myself. I thank God, that I met Judy and I am grateful for what she have done for me.”"  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Tanja Schlander - Sound artist & Zone therapist - "I have a task of an old grief something that almost can be described as a repressed anger. Anger has been there since I was little and now in my adult life, it has manifested itself like a black ball in my diaphragm area always dynamic, firm and stuck sensation. It makes me tired, unhappy and gives me feeling that I don’t really identify myself with. Such as negativity, doubt, indifference, loneliness and all sorts of blame and projections. Judy guides me, to feel my anger? I visualize it and described its symptoms. I lie down and Judy started to do some humming sounds. It reminded me of an old melody that I used to sing in my childhood home about things that happens on an ordinary day, such forgetting gloves at a daycare and playing with dolls. I lapse into the tones and discover belatedly that the sounds have changed both shape and texture. That is when I realized that Judy is simply making a surgical intervention with her sounds to my body. And It is actually an operation table that I was laying on. A clinical surgery without cutting steel and nitrous oxide, I am in auditory anesthesia and completely conscious, without blood, no glare light and no cold hands. It was steaming with warmth and closeness, and I am feeling safe and grateful here on the mattress I was not cut up, but I was patched together instead. "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Anne Sophie Nicolai Christensen - Osteopath - "Judy is a confident, strong and worldly-wise woman, who managed to touch a deeper issue that was affecting me and she brings clarity in playful approach. Every time I work with Judy, I walk away with a strong sense of connection to myself, the world and a significant mental clarity. A bit like waking up after a night of rain and thunder. Thank you for sharing your skills Judy. "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Kristella Høst Normark - Psychotherapist - "The embrace of Judy’s voice has on more than one occasion carried me through deep layers of myself, healed and instigated new processes and sped up ongoing ones. Judy’s sound therapy is a welcome break from talk therapy and over identification with one's stories – it helped me to surrender to the session and to let the voice and the sounds do its job, which Judy masters perfectly. I have been guided and carried by her voice that ranges from angelic to raw and tribal. I highly recommend Judy to everybody, who would like to work with themselves, whether it’s new terrain for them, or “old news” "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Louise Bøgelund Saugmann, Art photographer –  - "When I first heard about sound therapy, I was very skeptic. But Judy’s great authenticity, openness and insights immediately turned my skepticism when I met her right from the start. Through her powerful voice and healing, together with various relevant homeworks & assignments, she supports me through challenges and always brings a new magically and much better version of me. I come to Judy with concrete issues and also as pure wellness. I can only give the warmest recommendations of Judy’s work to others. "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Marie Gjessing – Designer - "'Meeting Judy is an experience in itself. Her voice and sound spectrum is limitless. With her gentleness and presence she makes you comfortable. Gracefully she seduces you into her universe and with its ferocity and expressivity she shakes the pain off and leaves you light as a feather.' "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Marianne Saxtorph, lawyer & mediator - "'I can highly recommend Judy Solomon and the way she uses sound healing. She has a unique ability to see what you need at a deep level and can create the confidence and peace of mind that makes you dare indulge in a process that can be painful, and powerful healing. I am deeply grateful for the help she has given me and see great potential in the method’s application both to individuals and within an enterprise framework.' "  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Mija Byung – Architecture - "'Sound healing with Judy is as much a journey as well a lesson in how my body naturally responds to different sound vibrating frequencies. It emphasises the awareness of my physical ability to store memories and therefore gives a fuller understanding of how the body also is part of the emotional system.' Mija Byung – Architecture"  Læs mere  Læs mindre

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