Emma-Jane Cross - Coach

Emma-Jane Cross


3 klientudtalelser


Emma-Jane Cross - Coach


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Jeg er holistisk Life coach og skaberen af Re: root coaching metode. Jeg arbejder med en holistisk naturlig og pratisk tilgang til personlig udvikling, selvbevidsthed og hvordan man kan få balance i sit liv.

  • Har du brug for at få balance i dit liv?
  • Ved du ikke hvad du skal gøre i livet eller med dit liv?
  • Sidder du fast i livet?
  • Har du en vision, men mangler en plan?
  • Vil du tage dit liv til næste niveau
  • Kan du ikke få alt gjort i den tid, du har til rådighed ?
  • Ønsker du at indstille og nå mål?
  • Du tvivler på dig selv og dine evner?
  • Er du udsat for stress?
  • Har din selvtillid brug for et løft?
  • Vil du gerne opleve en Conscious lifestyle?

Med min pædagogisk baggrund, min holistisk coaching uddanelse og mine mange års efaring med mennesker, har jeg til rådighed en kæmpe kasse af værktøjer at kan løse din udfordringer. Jegvil giver dig den objektiv perspektiv du har behove til at tage kontrol over dit liv og skabe det liv du ønsker dig.

I de sidste 3 år har jeg arbejedet med mange private klienter fra verden rund på danske og på engelsk. Og arbejder jeg også som Primært Elev Coach hos Dania Erhvevs Akademi i Viborg. Udover min coaching erfaring har jeg en baggrund i at arbejde med voksne og børn med Autisme specifikt med Aspergers syndrom og derfor tilbyder jeg også tjenester til voksne og familier, der er ramt af Aspergers.

Re: root Metode

At tage naturlige og praktiske tiltag for at manifestere forandring

Re: rootsmetode fokus er på cirkulær naturlig vækst, der ser på hele mønsteret i en persons liv, og ud fra det arbejder vi sammen for at dechifrere de justeringer, der er nødvendige for at forenkle, rette og transformere.

Jeg støtter mine klienter i at blive forbundet deres autentiske selv, se deres potentiale og tilpasse deres livsrytme til de drømme, de har for sig selv.

At skabe stærke rødder, hvorfra du kan udvikle

Jeg tager inspiration fra mindfulness, gamle kulturelle praksis, livsledelse og personlig udviklingsteknikker, samt holistisk og naturlig livsstil. Kombinere de bedste pratisk life coaching redskaber med fortidens forståelser og lære.

Jeg glæder mig til at møde dig og støtte dig i din rejse

For mig er det vigtigste i livet, at du er i stand til at leve et liv, hvor du kan være autentisk og leve det liv du drømmer om, uanset udfordringerne. Jeg elsker at hjælpe dem jeg arbejder med at omdanne deres liv, og jeg vil hjælpe så mange mennesker som jeg kan til at genoprette sig selv, leve det liv de forestiller sig og nyde livets rejse.

I am a holistic life coach and the creator of Re:Root Coaching Method. I work with a holistic, natural and practical approach to personal development.

  • Do you need to get a balance in your life?
  • Do not you know what to do in life or with your life?
  • Are you stuck in life?
  • Do you have a vision but need a plan?
  • Do you want to take your life to the next level
  • Can not you get everything done for the time you have available?
  • Do you want to set and reach goals?
  • You doubt yourself and your abilities?
  • Are you exposed to stress?
  • Does your self-esteem need a boost?
  • Would you like to experience a conscious lifestyle?


With my pædagogic background,  my holistic coaching education and many years working with people and personal development, I have lots of different tools and processes to hand to support you to solve your challenges. As a coach, I give you the objective perspective you need to take control of your life and create the life you desire.

For the past 3 years, I have worked with private clients from the world round in Danish and in English. And I am now the primary Student Coach at Dania Erhvevs Akademi in Viborg. In addition to my coaching experience, I have a background in working with adults and children with autism specifically with Asperger's syndrome and therefore I also offer services to adults and families affected by Aspergers.

Taking natural and practical action to manifest change  

My focus is on circular natural growth looking at the whole pattern of a person's life and in that, we work together to decipher the adjustments needed to simplify, direct and transform. I support my clients to connect with their authentic self, seeing their potential and aligning their life's rhythm to the dreams they have for themselves.

Creating strong roots from which you can develop  

I take inspiration from mindfulness, ancient cultural practices, life management and personal development techniques, as well as, holistic and natural lifestyle. Combining the best aspects of modern life coaching with the understandings and teachings of the past.  

I look forward to meeting you and supporting your journey

For me, the most important thing in life is that you are able to live a life where you can be authentically you and the life you dream of, regardless of the challenges. I love helping clients to transform their lives and I want to help as many people as I can to reroot in themselves, live the life they imagine, and enjoy the journey of life.


Michaela Merkus  - "The life quality assesment session with Emma was fun and very helpful. Her warm, practical, hands-on approach made me see and acknowledge what I have to be working on. She also helped me get clear, new insights about how I am holding myself back and she gave me great advice on how to turn that around. I discovered that the way that I am dealing with this issue, is actually part of a larger pattern. I am just now starting to see that. So thank you Emma! Also for the extensive email that I got the next morning with everything agreed upon, plus tips and suggestion. This turned out to be even better than I expected!"  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Lida Zannier - "I loved Emma's session.The Life Quality Circle clearly enabled me to see the sphere of my life I need to work on improving.She is a generous coach offering lots of helpful references to help you to move forward.Thank you Emma!"  Læs mere  Læs mindre

Ana Sanchez - "I've just had a life assessment and found Emma to be an excellent coach. Her style is friendly, warm, approachable and professional. I was instantly feeling at ease and she offered appropriate guidance through the process and encouragement to follow on the points agreed. I thoroughly recommend her services."  Læs mere  Læs mindre

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